Material: Fluid being conveyed, type and concentration
Some applications require specialized oils or chemicals to be conveyed through the system. Hose selections must assume compatibility or the hose inner tube and cover material. In addition to the hose materials, all other components, which make up the hose assembly (hose ends, o-rings, etc…), must also be compatible with fluid being used.
Permeation or effusion is the movement of a substance through the hose tube walls which may degrade the hose tube, cause cover blistering, or other undesired effects, and must be considered especially when conveying compressed gasses.
Be sure to select a hose that is compatible and approved by the manufacturer for the fluid conveyed. Concentration, pressure, temperature and other factors may impact the compatibility of the hoses and fluid. Depending on the fluid, we may lower the maximum temperature or pressure rating of the assembly. When selecting any hose assembly, consult us for recommendations.
© Copyright 2012 by the Association for Hose & Accessories Distribution, Inc.